浦东三林地铁口「永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎」建面约99-241㎡高层/洋房/叠加!总价约750万起!附官方预约通道!永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎浦东三林金色中环旁建面约99-151㎡高层户型建面约140-241㎡洋房&叠墅二期320套房源 均价8.2万/㎡5批次房源过会 即将认购样板房线上火热预约项目基础信息开发商名称:上海香印城市建设投资有限公司产权年限:70年住宅拿地时间:2022年12月总层高:高层16-19层、洋房6层、复式一楼复二楼在售套数:100套左右(以案场为准)交房时间:预计2026年8月30日绿化率:35%车位配比:1:1.12层高:高层3米、洋房3.1米得房率:高层约74%-80%、洋房约 83%-86%梯户比:高层:2梯4户/3梯6户、洋房:1梯2户物业公司:上海主迎物业管理有限公司物业费:7元/㎡在售总价:高层约750-820万洋房约1720-1740万复式约2050-2200万在售户型:高层约100㎡ ;洋房约201㎡;复式约211-221㎡项目推售详情据悉,【永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎】一期少量房源在售,无需积分,直接认购,均价约8.2万/㎡,总价约750万~1740万!二期加推320套房源,建面约99-151㎡高层,建面约140-177-201-241㎡洋房/叠加,即将加推入市!官宣户型图如下:装修标准如下▼项目一期户型图▼超30万方河滨大城仁恒物业+恒温泳池【永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎】是超30万方河滨大城,将打造成三林的新地标。项目容积率仅2.0,是上海中外环相当臻稀的双面滨河、低密社区,规划有16-19层高层,6层电梯洋房。住进永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎社区中,能以更低的生活成本,享受到更高的居住舒适度。首先社区天赋方面,项目双面环水,北侧、东侧皆是天然河道,整体的居住环境静谧。鸟瞰图,仅供参考其次,项目南侧临近永泰路的地方,打造了2栋社区配套建筑,将用作社区食堂、恒温泳池、健身房等,服务于社区的同时有效阻隔道路噪音。效果图,仅供参考项目效果图供参考▼项目区位配套【永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎】位于三林板块腹地,区域内三林滨江、筠溪小镇、新杨思都属于浦东金色中环带上的重要组成部分。项目3公里以内就涵盖了前滩、三林滨江、新杨思等浦东重量级板块,近享世纪规划红利。区位示意图轨道交通方面:项目与11号线三林站直线距离仅约350米,步行可达,进站后1站即达前滩,2站即达徐汇滨江。自架方面,项目周边拥有中环、南北高架、外环、杨高南路等主干道,自驾前往浦西市区、陆家嘴、张江等都非常便利。区位示意图商业配套方面:项目是超30万方河滨大城,周边皆是规划住宅用地,等整体建成后,将大幅度提升周边城市界面,项目一路之隔便是中房金谊广场,约1公里处便是三林·新达汇,满足购物、吃喝玩乐需求中房金谊广场实景三林新达汇效果图还有站地铁1站可以前往前滩核心,这里有前滩太古里、前滩中心等购物广场。教育资源方面:周边有三林小学、清源小学、上海育人中学、三林中学东校等。(教育免责:政府不对预售房屋进行学区划分,项目对口学校最终以交房后教育主管部门公布为准)医疗资源方面:上海市东方医院南院,上海市第一妇婴保健院(东院),上海杨思医院,浦东新区东明社区卫生服务中心,三林社区卫生服务中心,御康医院等为健康保驾护航浦东三林地铁口「永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎」建面约99-241㎡高层/洋房/叠加!总价约750万起!附官方预约通道!永泰三里城预约电话:400-876-7710☎房产小知识:Real estate knowledge:一、房地产相关概念1、 Real estate related concepts(一)房地产概念:房地产又称不动产,是指土地、建筑物及固着在土地、建筑物上不可分离的部分.其中不可分离的部分,如树木、水暖设备等.房地产有三种存在形式:(1) Real estate concept: Real estate, also known as real estate, refers to land, buildings, and the inseparable parts fixed on land and buildings. The inseparable parts, such as trees, plumbing equipment, etc., exist in three forms of real estate:1、 单纯的土地;1. Pure land;2、 单纯的建筑物;2. A simple building;3、 土地与建筑物结合的房产;3. Real estate that combines land and buildings;(二)房地产市场的分类:根据房地产开发,销售与消费过程特点,可以将房地产市场分为:(2) Classification of the real estate market: Based on the characteristics of the real estate development, sales, and consumption process, the real estate market can be divided into:1、 一级市场(土地市场);1. Primary market (land market);2、 二级市场(房地产增量房市场);2. Secondary market (real estate incremental housing market);3、 三级市场(房地产存量房市场);3. Third level market (real estate stock housing market);三)土地及土地所有权:3) Land and land ownership:1、 土地的概念:一般是指地面、地面以下和地面以上一定范围的空间.现实生活中的土地是人为划分的,具有特定面积范围的地域.1. The concept of land generally refers to a certain range of space on the ground, below the ground, and above the ground. In real life, land is artificially divided and has a specific area range2、 土地公有制:根据宪法规定,土地所有权分全民所有(国有土地)与集体土地所有权,集体转为国有才能转让,个人和单位只拥有土地的使用权;2. Public ownership of land: According to the Constitution, land ownership is divided into ownership by the whole people (state-owned land) and collective land ownership. Collective ownership can only be transferred when it becomes state-owned, and individuals and units only have the right to use land;3、 土地使用权在期限内可以出租、转让、抵押.3. Land use rights can be rented, transferred, or mortgaged during the term(四)土地使用权获取方式:(4) Land use right acquisition method:1、 土地使用权出让:1. Land use right transfer:指国家将国有土地使用权在一定年限内出让给土地使用者,由土地使用者向国家支付土地使用权出让金的行为;Refers to the act of the state transferring the state-owned land use right to land users within a certain period of time, and the land users pay the land use right transfer fee to the state;土地使用权出让采用招标、拍卖、双方协议三种方式;六类用地(商业、娱乐、旅游、金融、服务业、商品房)采用招标、拍卖的方式;旧城改造采用双方协议的方式;The transfer of land use rights adopts three methods: bidding, auction, and mutual agreement; Six types of land (commercial, entertainment, tourism, finance, service industry, and commercial housing) will be tendered and auctioned; The renovation of the old city adopts an agreement between both parties;国有土地使用权出让年限:商业、旅游、娱乐用地40年;工业用地、科教、文体、卫生、体育用地、综合或其他用地50年;住房用地70年;房地产的使用权年限对价值有直接影响.The transfer period of state-owned land use rights: 40 years for commercial, tourism, and entertainment land; Industrial land, science and education, cultural and sports, health, sports land, comprehensive or other land for 50 years; Housing land for 70 years; The tenure of real estate has a direct impact on its value2、 土地使用权划拨:2. Land use right allocation:指县级以上人民政府依法批准,在土地使用者缴纳补偿、安置等费用后将该幅土地交付其使用,或者将土地使用权无偿交付给土地使用者使用的行为;Refers to the act of the people's government at or above the county level, in accordance with the law, approving the delivery of the land to the land user for use after paying compensation, resettlement and other fees, or the free transfer of the land use right to the land user for use;以划拨方式取得土地使用权的,除法律、行政法规另有规定外,没有使用期限的限制;If the land use right is obtained through allocation, there is no restriction on the term of use, except as otherwise provided by laws and administrative regulations;下列建设用地的土地使用权,确属必须的,可由县级以上人民政府依法批准划拨:国家机关用地和军事用地;The land use rights of the following construction land, if necessary, can be approved for allocation by the people's government at or above the county level in accordance with the law: land for state organs and military use;城市基础设施用地和公益事业用地;国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等项目用地;法律、行政法规规定的其他用地;Urban infrastructure land and public welfare land; Land for energy, transportation, water conservancy and other projects supported by the state; Other land designated by laws and administrative regulations;(五)建筑概念(5) Architectural concepts1、 建筑:建筑物和构筑物的总称;1. Architecture: a general term for buildings and structures;2、 狭义建筑物:指各类房屋,构筑物如树木、电梯、水暖设备等;2. Narrowly defined buildings: refer to various types of houses and structures such as trees, elevators, plumbing equipment, etc;3、 合格建筑物的标准:实用、经济、美观;3. The standards for qualified buildings: applicable, economical, and aesthetically pleasing;适用:安全、防水、隔声、保温隔热、采光、功能齐全、空间格局合理;Applicable: safe, waterproof, sound insulation, thermal insulation, lighting, fully functional, and reasonable spatial layout;经济:购置价格合理、维修保养、采暖、空调能耗不高;Economy: Reasonable purchase price, low energy consumption for maintenance, heating, and air conditioning;美观:建筑造型、色彩美感、与环境协调;Aesthetics: architectural design, color aesthetics, and coordination with the environment;(六)物业概念(6) Property concept1、 物业:广义的物业就是房地产,狭义的物业,包括各类房屋及其附属的设备、设施和相关场地;1. Property: In a broad sense, property refers to real estate, while in a narrow sense, it includes various types of houses and their associated equipment, facilities, and related sites;各类房屋:可以是建筑群,如住宅小区,也可以是一幢住宅;附属的设备、设施和相关场地:是指与上述建筑物相配套的室内外各类设施、市政公用设施、道路交通等;Various types of houses: can be a complex of buildings, such as residential communities, or can be a residential building; Affiliated equipment, facilities, and related sites: refer to various indoor and outdoor facilities, municipal public facilities, road traffic, etc. that are matched with the above-mentioned buildings;房屋建筑常识Common knowledge of building construction1、 容积率:1. Plot ratio:总建筑面积与总用地面积的比值,反映土地利用程度、使用强度及其经济性的技术经济指标;The ratio of total construction area to total land area, reflecting the degree of land use, intensity of use, and economic indicators of technology and economy;容积率=建筑总面积÷用地面积;Plot ratio=total building area ÷ land area;一般来讲:普通住宅≥1.0;非普通住宅<1.0;Generally speaking, for ordinary residential buildings, ≥ 1.0; Non ordinary residential<1.0;2、 建筑密度:2. Building density:项目用地范围内各种建筑用地面积总和占总用地面积的比例.也可以建筑物基底总面积÷总用地面积,反映建筑用地范围内的空地率和建筑物的密集程度;The proportion of the total area of various building land within the project land scope to the total land area. It can also be divided by the total area of the building base divided by the total land area, reflecting the vacancy rate and density of buildings within the building land scope;3、 绿化率:3. Greening rate:指项目规划用地范围内绿化用地总面积占规划建设用地面积的比例;The proportion of the total area of green land within the scope of project planning to the planned construction land area;4、 绿地率:4. Green space ratio:描述的是居住区用地范围内各类绿地的总和与居住区用地的比率;It describes the ratio of the total amount of various green spaces within the residential area to the residential area's land use;5、 层高:5. Floor height:住宅高度以“层”为单位计算,是指下层地板面或楼板面到上层楼层面之间的距离.The height of a residential building is calculated in units of "floors" and refers to the distance between the lower floor or floor slab surface and the upper floor level6、 净高:6. Net height:指下层地板面或楼板上表面到上层楼板下表面之间的距离.净高=层高-楼板厚度;The distance between the lower floor surface or the upper surface of the floor slab and the lower surface of the upper floor slab. Net height=Floor height - Floor thickness;7、 进深:7. Depth:指住宅的长度,指一间独立的房屋或一幢居住建筑从前墙皮到后墙皮之间的实际长度,为了保证住宅具有良好的自然采光和通风条件,目前我国大量城镇住宅房间的进深一般都限定在5米左右,不能任意扩大.住宅进深过大,就使住宅成为狭长型,距离门窗较远的室内空间自然光线不足,但进深大的住宅可以有效的节约用地;The length of a residence refers to the actual length between the front and back walls of an independent house or residential building. In order to ensure good natural lighting and ventilation conditions for the residence, the depth of many urban residential rooms in China is generally limited to about 5 meters and cannot be arbitrarily expanded. If the depth of the residence is too large, it means that the residence becomes narrow and the indoor space far from the doors and windows lacks natural light, But entering residential areas at Shenzhen University can effectively save land;8、 开间:8. Opening:指住宅的宽度,指一间房屋内一面墙皮之间到另一面墙皮之间的实际距离,住宅的开间在住宅设计上有严格的规定;较小的开间范围,可缩短楼板的层间跨度,增强住宅结构的整体性、稳定性和抗震性;The width of a residence refers to the actual distance between one wall of a house and the other wall. The spacing of a residence has strict regulations in residential design; A smaller bay range can shorten the inter story span of the floor slab, enhance the overall integrity, stability, and seismic resistance of the residential structure;9、 建筑面积:9. Building area:指建筑物外墙外围所围成空间的水平面积.包含了房屋居住可用的实用面积、墙体柱体占地面积、楼梯走道面积、其它公摊面积等;Refers to the horizontal area of the space enclosed by the outer walls of a building. It includes the usable usable area for residential use, the occupied area of walls and columns, the area of stairs and walkways, and other shared areas;10、公摊面积:10. Shared area:指建筑物的楼梯、电梯井、外墙、公共门厅、走道、设备间、首层大堂及小区内其它一些配套设施的面积总和;The total area of stairs, elevator shafts, exterior walls, public lobbies, corridors, equipment rooms, first floor lobbies, and other supporting facilities in the community of a building;11、使用面积:11. Usage area:它是建筑面积扣除公摊面积、及墙体柱体所占用的面积后的直接供住户生活的净使用面积,俗称地砖面积;It is the net usable area directly used by residents after deducting the shared area and the area occupied by wall columns from the building area, commonly known as the floor tile area;12、占地面积:12. Floor area:建筑物基底及其功能需要占用的面积,也叫红线面积;The area occupied by the building base and its functions, also known as the red line area;13、套内建筑面积=套内使用面积+套内墙体面积+阳台建筑面积(露台面积按半面积计算);13. Building area inside the set=usable area inside the set+wall area inside the set+balcony building area (terrace area is calculated based on half area);14、建筑面积=套内建筑面积+公摊面积;14. Building area=interior building area+shared area;15、销售面积=套内建筑面积+公摊的公用建筑面积;商品房按“套”或“单元”出售15. Sales area=interior building area+shared public building area; Commercial housing is sold as "sets" or "units"